- We are in a project in the primary sector. Inside a farm.
- A very important task for the farm is the weighing of the animals. To track the animals and their weight, a weighing scale was carried and each one of the animals was weighed making them pass over it. The data was recorded manually, noting the identification of the animal and its weight. This manual process meant wasting a lot of time and getting few weights.
Project description:
- From LT-Leftec, we have implemented an automated and fully autonomous weighing system thanks to the installation, within the livestock enclosure, of a weighing scale connected to a PLC and an HMI. Which is active 24 hours a day and records the animal’s chip and its weight when it passes over it. The weighing tool is equipped with sensors to control the entry and exit of animals. In addition, it is also prepared to implement gates for the selection of these animals according to convenience to different zones or sections.
Final result:
After the start-up of our project we achieved:
- The stress of the animals is reduced, since they are not forced to climb on a scale to weigh them. As it is installed in its area of passage, the animals pass by themselves without external intervention.
- Several weighings of each animal are achieved during the day, an aspect that gives us a large volume of data and much more resolution to carry out the subsequent analysis.
- Sending data to the central office on a daily basis. This makes it possible to identify abnormalities with your weight much faster. And shorten the time it takes to solve incidents and problems.